Full data team at your service


Data Stack

  • Modularized implementation of the best-in-class tools of the modern data stack

    • ELT data pipeline

    • data warehouse

    • data transformation

    • data visualization

  • Code-first development borrowing best practices from software engineering

  • Customized solutions according to your business needs, emphasizing the data transformation layer

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Data Processes Consulting

  • Data lifecycle management

    • Raw data to transformed and tested data

    • Transformed data to insight

    • Insight to distributed knowledge

  • Cross-team collaboration and goal-alignment

  • Testing, monitoring, and incident response procedures

  • Data organization scaling and recruiting


Operational Insights

  • Foundational interactive dashboards for recurrent use

  • Data integration across various source systems

  • Data models to support exploratory analysis

  • Forecasting and customer projections


But is it really worth the effort?

Our approach minimizes time-to-value and maintenance costs.